Sunday 15 March 2015

The Roswell Incident

The picture above has not been authenticated, but it is purported to have been taken at the Roswell crash site in 1947 but is probably a model.

This is a fascinating case of UFO history that I personally have been following as long ago as 1987. On the way back from Sydney to Newcastle from a course in biological electron microscopy held at the Sydney Technical and Further Education school, I happened to pick up a discarded newspaper that was next to me left by a previously alighted passenger I happened to catch a glimpse of an article that caught my eye since I was an avid reader of all things UFO. It was only a small column about a recently published book by a Timothy Good from the UK called "Above Top Secret". 

The article briefly mentioned the wave of mystery surrounding an alleged UFO crash in New Mexico in June 1947 and that the whole story was covered up by government agencies after initially being reported in the local newspaper as a "Captured Flying Disc"!

Needless to say this got me curious and I decided to try and locate a copy of this book and read about the incident since the internet was still not available. Much to my dismay the book was sold out in all the Sydney stores but I happened to locate a copy in this bookstore on the Central Coast of NSW. I told the owner of the shop to keep a copy aside for me until I get there. When I got the book I went to the section about the Roswell incident and proceeded to photocopy the pages that referred to the incident and the recovery of extraterrestrial corpses. I also copied a document about the "Majestic 12" and proceeded to write a letter with my clumsy type writer to the public relations officer of Wright Patterson Air force base, when the wreckage was first flown to. Within 14 days I received a reply from the PR officer only to discover that they sent an standard official statement that they send to all such inquiries about matters regrading UFO's.  

I am setting up this blog because I want to research the phenomenon of UFO and extraterrestrials.

Please feel free to post any of your experiences. I am also interested in interviewing people of their experiences with  close encounters with UFO's or abductions. For correspondence use my email address associated with this blog.